Modjadji Ruler of The Day


I was 14 years old when I was introduced to the legend of Queen Modjadji as part of my African Mythology class in my drama class. She was described as a powerful and influential leader who stood for all that is just. A true force to be reconned with. This is my earliest memory of her presence in my life and I remember feeling inspired.

 I then encountered stories of her during my history of Art course at the University of Witwatersrand as part of a talk lead by researcher and artist George Mahashe. It was clear to me at that point that her mis-treatment, and further ostracizing of her people a during colonialism and apartheid was deliberately done to remove her as a threat. So I figured what better way to continue the work of centralizing black women than immortalizing this ruler of the day.

I have had a keen interest in this mythological yet real story of Queen Modjadji of the Bolobedu people in South Africa. I often find that when stories of black women in power have been told, it has been through a male and Western lens. Taking on her story is my way of equally writing myself as well as Modjadji and others who identify with her in history. Her origin has many stories however she is a living and standing Queen with a matriarchal lineage.

 I am interested in focusing on telling stories about black women with enormous power and the kind of sacrifices surrounding the decisions they have to make for the betterment of others and the world. I chose this theme of survival because I am aware that our survival as a species occupies a looming presence within our minds. I would hope that the audience walks away with a sense of reflection regarding the consequences of their actions on others and themselves whether good or bad.

About Works:

Immersed in the intricate interplay of myth and reality enveloping Queen Modjadji, a figure of profound significance within the Bolobedu community of South Africa, my research inquiry has been fueled by a continuous engagement spanning six years, seeking to illuminate her narrative. Historically refracted through predominantly male and Western perspectives, my aim is to weave a narrative fabric that not only encompasses Queen Modjadji's story but also intertwines my own identity with hers, resonating profoundly with those who share an affinity with her historical presence. Amidst the diversity of origin narratives surrounding her legacy, her role as a contemporary matriarchal Queen and heir to a distinguished lineage remains the cornerstone of her narrative.

While focusing on this research and writing a script I found it was difficult to fully think of the shots without building a visual display of what I think this story ought to look like and as I she said many a tomes. My paintings serve as scenic outlines and storyboards that help me formulate and map out my stories. These works serve as storyboards that go into the intricacies and of my film. They serve as a creative visual mapping of my film.

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